Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024: Cindy Weinstein's "Babylon by the Sea"

 I didn’t like her when we first met.

loud, sprawling, changeable,

dry breath, wild hair,

perfume sweet

and acrid

rags one day, dior the next

whole weeks languishing in kmart acrylic

sunday mornings organic cotton

vegan shoes

her geography melodramatic, terrifying, biblical

her landscape exposed obscene

I ran to the arms of an old lover

grown attractive with my nostalgia and fear

but his breath was too moist and smelled of rot

his arms constricting


so i came back to her.

Riding her river of streets and freeways i finally got it.

It is her…

this city, this place

these hills and deserts and valleys and expanses of concrete and asphalt.

There is no need of other, no other place, no other lover.

Her arms always open. She takes me in, takes me back,

lets me go and welcomes me home.

She feeds me when I’m hungry, finds me work when I am struggling, gives me shelter

when the rains come… and when I am riding high again she spreads out her unending


Craving silence, she wraps me in her dark green places.

Looking for adventure, she sparkles her lights and turns the music up loud.

I fly in and out of her skyways and marvel at her twinkling stars. I crest her hills and

gaze breathless into her jeweled depths.

She is decked in every color of precious gem, perfumed in all rare scents.

She is voluptuous beauty – hills rolling to beaches that kiss the ocean; valleys

surrounded by dark clefts of mountains.

She can be explored forever.

She takes all who come - pilgrims, paupers, pimps, seekers and salesmen, the lost and

the found.

She offers the dream, all dreams living in her prismatic eyes.

She is the gateway to the snow covered crags and the vast deserts.

She lies languid along the beaches where the waters reach out to foreign lands.

She speaks all languages. All colors fill her streets.

I write her songs and poems and paint her rarest hues.

Expanding… I expand into her, inhale her into me.

She’s the City of Angels - Babylon reborn by the western sea.

© 2015 Cindy Weinstein 

Cindy was born and raised in upstate NY. After college, she moved to Washington DC, where she established her career, her art, and her family. She came to Los Angeles in 1993 with her two young children, and stayed until she immigrated to the desert of Joshua Tree in 2017. She has been writing, reading, and performing her poetry off and on since she was 17. She’s been published in a number of Los Angeles anthologies including poeticdiversity as well as in Cholla Needles. She also has a self-published chapbook entitled Lampshades From The Skin of Roses. Today she hosts the desert version of the Feral Fusion Open Mic monthly at the Beatnik Lounge in downtown Joshua Tree.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024: Carole Mertz's " Night’s Thinking Moves Through Shadow" and "Ashes"

Night’s Thinking Moves Through Shadow

anchoress sits

darkly through night

no help proffered

nor sought    she wants 



clouds waft o’erhead

winking thoughts in-

ward    raking through

bad memories


she spies stylus

resting in her

wrinkled white hand—



let them bring her

to task    ask what

they will    shift toward

celestial quests


at last    a cloud-

break    a summons

a washing   and

eternal rest

© 2024 Carole Mertz

                                                                                    © photo by marie c lecrivain 



It was the crossword that requested

The stuff the Hibachi left behind


It was the stuff we saw on the windy

mountain top, trees blackened and sordid-


looking—nothing appearing as it should 

be. Squalor there to match the downfall


of cities. It was the stuff you tried

not to think about after the cremation. What


to do with the remains. How to make 

sense of it all. And this stuff that we are,


hopefully of more substance than dust. The

stuff we will become, soon enough. 

© 2024 Carole Mertz

Carole Mertz, critic, poet, and essayist, enjoys working in her garden while contemplating the hardiness of weeds and the fragrance of beautiful flowers. She is the author of Toward a Peeping Sunrise (Prolific Press, 2019) and Color and Line (Kelsay Books, 2021), a collection of ekphrastic, and other poems. She is a multiple Pushcart Prize nominee.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024: Fay L. Loomis's " Writing Poems While Asleep"

 Writing Poems While Asleep

she dreams of fragrant sausage

spitting in the frying pan


because she cannot eat it

another night she dreams

she is standing on her head

performing an ablution

in the nether regions

now she dreams of her kidnapped

therapist, ransom demanded

when not paid, he is returned

secrets are not

 © 2024 Fay Loomis

Fay L. Loomis, member of the Stone Ridge Library Writers and Rats Ass Review workshop, lives a quiet life in the woods in upstate New York. Her poetry and prose are published in a variety of publications, most recently in Kaleidoscope, Down in the Dirt, and Five Fleas.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024: Two haiku by Barbara Anna Gaiardoni


- dying ants

a small cloud

of cinders


flower moon

darken me

erase me

                                                                                    photo by Andrea Vanacore

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni is winner of the First Prize 2023 “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature Price and finalist of the Edinburgh “Writings Leith” contest. She received two nominations for the Touchstone Award 2023, recognized on the Haiku Euro Top 100 list for 2023 and on The Mainichi’s Haiku in English Best 2023. Her Japanese-style poems has been published in 163 international journals. They are been translated on Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Malayalam, Hindi, French, Chinese, Korean, Turkic and in Spanish languages.

Drawing, swimmer and walking in nature are her passions.

"I can, I must, I will do it” her motto.