Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024: Kitty Jospé's "Someone's Birthday is Someone Else's Death Day" and "On the Other Side of Forever"

  Someone's Birthday is Someone Else's Death Day

“Whatever you see in other people is what you see in the mirror..."

-- James Baldwin


There is a silent S

in debris, but not in 


                        and no S at all

for collectives like rubble, water

and only shifts of vowels

to change a singular

man, woman, child

into statistics of  

men, women, children.


Birth then death of a man,

a woman, a child.

Births.  Deaths.  

men, women, children.


English knows how to mute more

than K, assign G as soundless general

in assign.  Let us start with

the sounds of A absent in bread, thread

unavoidable in meaning when

hushed, dead.


There is the sound of S

in peace.  Simple, so ample

a sound, the silent a, e,

with no need for pluralizing 



All is at one.

© 2024 Kitty Jospé

On the other side of forever


lies the possibility of feeling you belong,

having arrived in a place you never want


to leave.  On the other hand, lies

become mensonges, dreams once


                  that cannot mirror truth,

stop clouds from reflecting, turn


a loveless rock into the shape of a polished

heart ending up as precious reminder


in a lover's pocket.  Do you yearn for boundless-

ness that defies man-made maps, definitions?  Seek


the generosity of a tireless river lipping and lapping

beyond our self-made crosses of choices?


Some say there is


                        like home — 

however you see it;

that no one can steal love you feel 

of your own.


Then again, on the other side

lies the mirror, the mensonge

you think you never want

to leave.  Or do you?

© 2024 Kitty Jospé

Kitty Jospé, retired french teacher, and art docent, enjoys how the sounds and play of language can assist more serious ideas. She is known for her teaching enthusiasm,  presentations that connect art and word inspiring collaborations demonstrating the uplifting power of art and word. A popular reader, her work appears in numerous journals, and seven books.

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