Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024: Fay L. Loomis's " Writing Poems While Asleep"

 Writing Poems While Asleep

she dreams of fragrant sausage

spitting in the frying pan


because she cannot eat it

another night she dreams

she is standing on her head

performing an ablution

in the nether regions

now she dreams of her kidnapped

therapist, ransom demanded

when not paid, he is returned

secrets are not

 © 2024 Fay Loomis

Fay L. Loomis, member of the Stone Ridge Library Writers and Rats Ass Review workshop, lives a quiet life in the woods in upstate New York. Her poetry and prose are published in a variety of publications, most recently in Kaleidoscope, Down in the Dirt, and Five Fleas.

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