Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024: Two haiku by Barbara Anna Gaiardoni


- dying ants

a small cloud

of cinders


flower moon

darken me

erase me

                                                                                    photo by Andrea Vanacore

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni is winner of the First Prize 2023 “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature Price and finalist of the Edinburgh “Writings Leith” contest. She received two nominations for the Touchstone Award 2023, recognized on the Haiku Euro Top 100 list for 2023 and on The Mainichi’s Haiku in English Best 2023. Her Japanese-style poems has been published in 163 international journals. They are been translated on Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Malayalam, Hindi, French, Chinese, Korean, Turkic and in Spanish languages.

Drawing, swimmer and walking in nature are her passions.

"I can, I must, I will do it” her motto.

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