Sunday, March 3, 2019

Women's History Month: BC Petrakos' "My Generation, Today"

I have seen the best women of my generation
used, bruised and tossed to the side
leaving them
crying, trying and whining 
like they have no power

I have seen them stand in the streets
in the face of "The Man"
waiting for nothing
wanting for nothing
sorry and ungrateful for 
the times that they live in
blind to the power they have in their hands
power their mothers could not imagine

they stride and they scream
becoming worse bullies
the same bullies
the exact same bullies
they always hid behind lipstick

I have seen it in all its all 

I hoped we were better than this
but we are not
False accusations fly
drinking the news
as if it were wine at a meal
being used to take apart 
the things that ARE GOOD
and things ARE Good
better than generations before

I have seen the best women of my generation
sick with identity politics
instead of well 
with the options available
instead of clear minded wisdom
that by nature is ours
Like fish in a barrel
like rats off a cliff
like a chorus of haters they hate 
oh so much
being deceived that the louder
the fury 
the more righteous
the theme
I have seen the beauty that was ours
degraded by our own rage
twisted faces shouting in constant 

its just the beginning
I have seen this before
This is how populations are manipulated
We are being used like puppets
 used like paper towels
to absorb the poison
and then
and then
at the end of the day
WILL toss us away

© 2019 BC Petrakos

BC Petrakos (Bren Petrakos), has written tons of stuff, been lucky to have had a few stories, plays, poems published; she has done shows in lots of fine places including London, Berlin, Edinburgh, Stockholm, and many beatific places in California. She has been nominated for Pushcart Prize, Best of The Web, won a few prizes for writing plays, and publishes poets and writers as an editor at International Word Bank.

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